AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«'s ElitePalaces Cyborg Generator

New BorgGen Site on test phase, please if you find any error or typo let Us know at
Alexandra created the cyborg generator (borggen) with asp code and was public on July 24th 2003, this is a new complete reprogrammed php version.
All scripts on this new version are created or modified to work with palacechat software, to create your cyborg, only put a mark in the box of the scripts you want on it. If you know who made the scripts that doesn't have the name of the author, please let Us know.
IMPORTANT: Pre selected scripts are the ones included at the palacechat default cyborg.
if you need the props or sounds for this scripts visit ElitePalaces ShowRoom
check all / uncheck all

Scripts for ON SIGNON section (works when you enter to a palace):
Random Greet - 5 Random greet when you enter a Palace.

Wear Avatar - Wear you with the avatar saved at the macro 0 when you enter to a palace.

Scripts for ON ENTER section (works when you enter to a room):
Pardon Me - If you enter to the room to a position over another user, you will say an automatic "excuse me USER" message and you will move to an empty spot in the room.

Scripts for ON INCHAT section (works when you "listen" to someone say a command:
Anti Allscrae - Helps to avoid been allscraed in some palaces"
CachLog (by Foxy) - Change the message that a person put with ; for a local message"
welcomeback - If anyone say b or back, you response "Welcome Back (name)"
Scripts for ON OUTCHAT section (works when you type a command):
Message scripts
allsay - Spoofs everyone in the room (including you).
auto greet - Greet people when they come in type "greeting on" to turn it on and "greeting off" to turn it off.
away (afk) (by Pa\/\/n) - If you put a sticky message, it will show to the people when they enter the room.
Backward Talk - backward talk system, start it with "bk on" and stop it with "bk off".
brbfly - Announce you going on brb with multiple messages.
corners (by Señor Panic!, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Type corners and your message will show at the 4 corners.
greet1 (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Greet one by one all the ppl in the room.
gtalk - Allows you to talk with white room messages at your av position, start it with "gt on" and stop it with "gt off".
hlo (by Foxy) - Say hello to the person nearest your mouse.
hg (by Paul Blair) - Text {{hug}} (with optional {{{count}}}), if whispered says the nick between {{}}.
huggs - Send huggs to the mouse position.
mimic - Mimic whoever you choose, turn it on or off with "mimic on" or "mimic off".
msay - Spoof somebody by positioning the mouse on their mouth and then type "msay blah blah".
roomhi - Say hello to everyone in the room in one message.
skiss (by Foxy) - Says your message in ! balloons from your position to the mouse position.
specialkiss - Says a nice message at the mouse positon.
ssay - Works like msay but with white roommsg.
rsay - Show your message as room message at your mouse position.
tsay - Another spoofing script: select a user and it spoofs em perfectly.
Paint scripts
akiss (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Based in the lips script, with big lips.
alips3 (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Based in the lips script, with a perfil big lips.
alips3f (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Based in the lips script, with a perfil big lips flipped.
angel - Paint an angel.
arcom (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Paint and movement.
arrow - Draw a arrow at the mouse position.
asciiart (by Pa\/\/n) - Create an image with ascii characters, to use it just type asciiart and then put the ascii code for your image
Example: asciiart
    (  :
   __\  \  _____
 (____)  `|
(____)|   |
aura - Draw a glow around the mouse position.
bgcolor (by Pa\/\/n) - Fills with a random color and transparency all the room behind the users.
bite - Give a bite in your mouse position.
blueice (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Move to the middle of the screen and paint some blue ice.
boa - Paint a boa from you to the mouse position.
bolt (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint a bolt.
box - Paint a box at the mouse position with the size you put (till 200).
boxed - Paint a spiral box at the mouse position.
butterfly (by MeXiCaN-rOlLuP, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat) - A nice paint script.
cage - Paint a green 3d cage at the mouse position.
circles (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint circles around the room with different size and colors.
clover (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Paint a clover mark around the screen.
compass (by Foxy) - rose routine, draws a compass rose in red at mouse point.
constrictor (by Saturn)- Paint a boa at the mouse position, with different colors.
Commands :
	constrict                      Green Snake  
	constrict azure                Blue Snake    
	constrict gold                 Yellow Snake
	constrict opal                 Black Snake  
	constrict orange               Orange Snake
	constrict ruby                 Red Snake    
	constrict silver               White Snake  
	constrict violet               Purple Snake
co-op (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - A multi color up and left frame.
cr (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint a nice circle multicolor.
cross - Paint a red inverted cross at the mouse position.
color stars - Paint a 3d star at the mouse position, with different colors.
Commands :
	cstar                        Random star
	cstar red                   Red star
	cstar green                Green star
	cstar blue                 Blue star
	cstar purple               Purple star
	cstar teal                 Teal star
	cstar yellow               Yellow star
	cstar white                White star
cube - Type cube then a number 10-100, bigger the number bigger the cube.
cupid2 - Whisper to the person you want to put an arrow thru.
curtain (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Paint a grey curtain on all the screen.
devil - Paint a devil.
doghouse - Paint a dog house at the mouse position.
drawclover (by Foxy) - draws a four-lobed green 'clover' like shape centered on mousepos, usage "drawclover (size in pixels)".
drawheart (by Foxy) - draws a painted heart of specified size, centered roughly on mousepos, usage "drawheart ".
dsay (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint the text you type at the mouse position.
erase - Draw a cross and say the target has been erased by you.
freezer (commissioned by Reb X, by Foxy) - Blue to white bar from you to the mouse position.
future (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Pain a circle around the screen.
fgcolor (by Pa\/\/n) - Fills with a random color and transparency all the room in front the users.
gokuzap - Draw a goku zap.
grid (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Pain a random color grid.
heart - Draw a heart with lines.
hearts - Draw 3 hearts at the mouse position (like a kiss script).
heartb - Draw a 3d heart.
heartcaptured - Draw a heart around the mouse position and show 2 messages.
heartonyou - Draw a line and leave a small heart at the mouse position.
hlips - Draw a blue heart at the mouse position (similar to the kiss script).
ifuture (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - A blue painting at the center of the screen.
jail - Draw a jail at the mouse position.
jailem - Draw a simple jail at the mouse position.
kamezap - Kamezap attack!.
kiss - Move to the mouse position, paint a kiss and return to your original position and av.
kiss2 - Second version, Move to the mouse position, paint a kiss and return to your original position and av.
kkross (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Another room frame script.
lines (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Move you to the center of the screen and paint different color lines.
lines2 (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Paint different color random lines.
lips - The classic lips script, move you to the mouse position, change the av and leave a painted small lips.
love1 - Paint I love you at the mouse position.
lwav (by Foxy) - Draws a wavy line from you to mouse red to yellow to white, usage "lwav size".
megapunch (by Pa\/\/n) - (old megaman script).
mine1 (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Paints a mine lettering traping a person in a box.
myhearts (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Paint a big heart with little hearts.
mylove (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Paint a heart close to your target and a key close to you (whisper it).
mypresent (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - paint 2 little persons giving a present.
net - paint a net at the mouse position.
ntalk (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - no talk script.
orange (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Orange mousepos paint script.
painthi - Paint Hi with big letters.
pboy (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Draw a playboy sign.
penta - Draw a pentagram.
pinkstar - Paint a pink star.
powerpunch (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Wear a punch out av and paint red lines.
rainbow spot (by Foxy) - draws a detailed rainbow circle 100 pixels in radius centers on mousepos.
randoms (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint a line with different colors and styles.
redd (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Alien attack script.
rip - Paint a tumb at the mouse position.
scan - Scan at the mouse position.
sflare - Paint a target at the mouse position and drop some sparkles.
sh & sv (by Pa\/\/n) - hit in the mousepos drawing a wave in a horizontal way (sh) or in a vertical way (sv).
skull (by JeseIsGod) - Draw a skull and crossbones over someone.
slap - paint a hand at the mousepos.
sleepingbag - Paint a sleepingbag at the mouse position.
sline (by Pa\/\/n) - paints a infinity simbol going from the painter to the mouse position with a POW msg.
soulsteal - Make a star and say "!YOUR SOUL IS MINE!".
space1 (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - paint lines in the screen.
spira - Paint a effect like spiral and envolve a target in.
spikebox (by Pa\/\/n) - Draws a box with spikes.
spikes (by Pa\/\/n) - Hits all the people in the room with spikes.
splash (By !oKo) - It's like zap.
spotlight (by Foxy) - Puts spotlight beams to target person, or mousepos.
star - Draw 5 stars to the mouse position with messages.
strike - Draw an strike to the mouse position with sound.
szap (By !oKo) - It's like zap and scan kinda.
szope (By !oKo) - Another like zap and scan kinda.
tag - Draw the text you type.
testtext (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint hi and all the user nicks at the room at random positions, colors and sizes.
trap - Create a web from you to the mouse position with a trap message.
ugly - Cover the user at the mousepos saying is ugly.
ultima - Another zap script with cool painting.
undo (by Pa\/\/n) - Undo the painting in the room.
vertigo vertigo paints squares spiral from your position to the top/left.
Commands :
	vertigo                     Random colors
      vertigo red                  black to Red boxes
      vertigo green                black to Green boxes
      vertigo blue                 black to Blue boxes
      vertigo purple               black to Purple boxes
      vertigo white                black to White boxes
virus (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - drop some virus and pain an scanner at the mouse position.
weev (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint a web at the mouse position.
wrap - wrap the user in the mouse position.
bigx (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint an stiliced X.
zap - Zap somebody at the mouse position.
zapall (by Skeezil) - Zap Everyone in the Room.
zzap (by Foxy) - Zig zag zap.
Prop scripts
bubbles - Send bubbles to the mouse position with sound.
coffee (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat) - Send a coffee through the screen to the mouse position.
dollars (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Drop dollars all around the room.
dropav (by Pa\/\/n) - Drop the props you are wearing at your position.
dumb - Paint a random color X at the mouse position, drop props that says dumb and a funny message appears with a duh! sound.
epcouch (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - This script will create a couch with props, it is auto adjustable based on the room size.
flowerbed - put a flower bed with props at the mouse position.
heartluv2 (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - make a big heart with props .
hehe - When you laff with hehe, your prop changes and a sound plays.
magnet (by Pa\/\/n) - All the loose props at the room will be moved to your mouse position.
money (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Random money props appears at the room with a message.
moonw - Do a moonwalker dance.
roses - Drop 9 roses at the mouse position.
scatter (by Pa\/\/n) - All the loose props at the room will be moved randomly around the room.
shoot (by Dr.X) - Shoot holes in the room.
shoots (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat) - shoots the mouse position.
smak - Leave a lips prop at the mouse position with a message.
splitprp (by Pa\/\/n) - Wear a prop and it will split and move you to the mouse position.
pinviso, pviso & pwarp - make your av invisible, visible or move with warp fire effect.
Movement scripts
align (by PoTHeaD) - This script align your av exactly on the target.
alignh (by Pa\/\/n, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Align with someone with a hop.
dhop (by Pa\/\/n, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - A hop movement but invert.
fall - This script move you to the botoom in the room.
fly (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Fly to the mouse position.
hop (Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Align with someone with a hop .
jump - This script move you to the top of the room.
lick (by Hex, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - a big lick in the mouse position.
mosh (Modified by PoTHeaD, then Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat) - Mosh dance movement.
orbit - Makes you orbit around mouse position.
spank - Move around your mouse position with spank! messages.
under (by Pa\/\/n) - this script move you behind the target if you type "underon" and keeps doing it till you turn it off, typing "underoff".
Game scripts
pttt (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Portable Tic Tac Toe game.
Utility and PalaceChat special scripts
clean - Clean the room painting and props.
coolname (by Pa\/\/n & AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - A cool efect in you name, original made for Palace Tools palace software, modified to work with PalaceChat (2014).
decornick (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Decorate your nick, original made for Palace Tools palace software, modified to work with PalaceChat (2014).
info (by Hex) - Shows important information, Try: info room, spot, me or all.
makeroom (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - Helps to keep the props decoration at a room, decorate your room then type makeroom and the name you want for your script, eg: makeroom party.
mp - Write mouse coordinates to the log.
passgen - Generate a random password of specified length.
pedit (by Pa\/\/n) - Paint a box around you to edit your av, with no values will paint a random color, if you type the rgb values the box will be painted with that color.
pid - Show in the log the prop id's for the props you are wearing.
revn (by Pa\/\/n, Modified by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« to work correct with PalaceChat.) - Reverse name make you name in backtalk, original made for Palace Tools palace software, modified to work with PalaceChat (2014).
svar (ShowVar) (by Hex) - Show the content of a variable.
Moderator scripts (works only if you are owner, wizard or god)
free - Type free for unpin ungag and unpropgag yourself.
go1 (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«2020 , modified to work with PalaceChat without allscrae by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤« 2015) - If you are operator, you can make an user go to a certain roomid whispering go1 +(roomid).
movehere (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«) - If you are operator, you can move another user to your mouse position whispering movehere.
say1 (by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«, modified to work with PalaceChat without allscrae by AlexaNdrA™€Ø¤«ؤ 2015) - If you are operator, you can make an user say a message whispering say1 +(your message).

check all / uncheck all
NOTE: Is not recommended to have too big Cyborgs, this can cause some local lag and scripting problems.